How to Monitor and Grow Your Social Media Presence in 30 Minutes a Day

Many businesses find the idea of monitoring their social media pages both an overwhelming and time-consuming task. But, we have good news-it doesn’t have to be!

By having a solid monitoring strategy and creating a simple schedule, you can to stay on top of your practice’s social presence. Also you can grow your social presence while monitoring it by scheduling posts and making connections

This blog has some great ideas to help you “kick-start” your social media monitoring, and it only takes 30 minutes of your time every day.


30 Minute Plan[divider]

5 Minutes – Scan Your Social Media Pages

Ideally do this in the morning. Check through your social media pages and identify any updates, new comments, or messages. Also, use this time to check for any errors on your pages and how well your posts have done.

5 Minutes – Reply and Converse With Your Audience

Now you know exactly what has occurred on your social media pages. Take the time to respond to any messages, comments, or posts. We can’t stress the importance of doing this. Social media is all about conversations, so make sure you engage with your audience.

5 Minutes – Take a Glance at Your News Feeds

Monitoring your social profiles is a must, but do you ever take the time to look at your news feed? Take a few minutes daily to see what is trending in your industry or what your fans/competition are doing. This can really help develop future content.

Also, take this time to comment and converse on relevant industry posts.

You will notice I said “take a glance” at your news feed. Do not make the mistake that many others do and get absorbed into the world of social media (something I am guilty of too often). Remember you have scheduled the time to monitor-not surf.

5 minutes – Make Connections

When scanning your news feed and reviewing your pages, take a few minutes to “like” a business page, connect with someone on LinkedIn, or retweet an industry expert’s content.

These simply actions can develop a lead or at least get you on an expert’s radar.

8 Minutes – Share Some Content

Do you ever notice business pages on Facebook or Twitter that are barren of any content? What use is social media without content?

A major reason for this is people feel they do not have enough time to post interesting content throughout the day. A simple solution: schedule content.

Take a few minutes everyday or an hour at the beginning of the week to schedule your social posts. Most social networks offer the ability to schedule posts, but if you want to make it even simpler use scheduling tools such as Hootsuite or Sprout Social keep all your social streams in one place.

2 Minutes – Check Your Work.

Finally, check your spelling and grammar as you go along. Take a minute to read through them again or even ask a colleague to check over the posts.


Obviously, this timescale can increase or reduce depending on how many social pages you manage and the interaction you receive. But, I am confident you can see that monitoring your social pages does not have to eat up a lot of your day.

A simple response to a comment on Facebook or an acknowledgment of a retweet can greatly increase the interaction on your profiles. Constant monitoring is important because social media is ever-changing. Make sure you schedule some time every month (or week if possible) to create content, evaluate your social media efforts, and make any necessary adjustments to your overall strategy.

Want more information about Social Media marketing? Get in touch with your dental marketing experts at Roadside Dental Marketing today.

How long do you spend on social media every day? Share your comments below.

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